Brugués_Isopropyl alcohol

Monographic: Isopropyl alcohol

Isopropyl alcohol is a volatile, colorless liquid which is obtained by the hydration reaction with propylene or by the hydrogenation of acetone.

Its semi-developed chemical formula is HCOH-H3C-CH3 and the product is also known as IPA, isopropanol, 2-propanol, dimethyl carbinol or dimethyl carbinol.

It is presented as a highly flammable and very soluble in alcohol, and its physical characteristics are the following ones:

  • Boiling point: 83 °C
  • Melting point: -90 °C
  • Specific gravity (water = 1): 0.79
  • Specific Gravity (air = 1): 2.1
  • Molecular weight: 60.1 g / mol
  • ignition temperature: 455 °C
  • 2.08 Viscosity cP at 25 °C
  • Explosive limits (vol% in air.): 2-12
It is also known as IPA, isopropanol, 2-propanol, dimethyl carbinol or dimethyl carbinol.

Isopropyl alcohol is used for organic synthesis, as a chemical intermediate and as a solvent in waxes, resins, vegetable oils and esters. It is also used for polymer compositions, such as brake fluid and degreasing solvents. In addition, mixed with water, it is used for cleaning optical lenses, camera lenses and contact electronics.

It is a highly flammable product that requires high caution during handling. It is essential to avoid the contact with eyes, skin and clothes and for that, it is mandatory to use proper protective equipment:


  • A safety eyewear adjusted to the contour of the face
  • Chemical-resistant and impervious gloves
  • Protective suits and footwear resistant to chemicals

It is also very important that after handling the product, the person washes his hands, forearms and face, and cleans the suit worn before reuse.

When the product is stored, is very important to consider the following conditions:

  • Keep away from heat, sparks or any other ignition source
  • Take precautions against static discharges
  • Keep the product in accordance with local regulations

Isopropyl alcohol is listed as a hazardous substance in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 and, in its transport, it is considered an ADR substance, belonging to the type 3 and to the packaging group II.

Check here the safety data sheet.

For the packaging that distributes Brugués isopropyl alcohol, and for more information about the product or to order, click here.