Brugués Chemical solutions for electroplating processes

Chemical solutions for electroplating processes

Electroplating is the industrial process of coating a metal surface with a thin layer of another metal in order to avoid oxidation, corrosion or any other process that wears the properties of a surface.


Specifically, the main objectives of electroplating include:


  • Increase wear resistance
  • Enhance corrosion resistance
  • Increase surface hardness
  • Retrieve the properties of a worn surface
  • Other objectives such as improving the adhesion or the appearance of the surface

So well, depending on the target, there is a specific type of product and a concrete application form.

Electroplating is the industrial process that avoids oxidation, corrosion or any other process that wears the properties of a surface.

Since years ago, BRUGUÉS is an electroplating solutions distributor. The company has a wide range of additives for bright nickel and chemical nickel processes, for acid and alkali copper processes, for decorative and hard chromium, and for alkaline and alkaline acid-free zinc processes. Also, the distributor has water based degreasers and pickle liquors.

In addition, BRUGUÉS is Henkel's official distributor of Bonderite products, a typology of products representing major surface treatment technologies and solutions for the production processes of industrial manufacturing. They are renowned for their reliability, sustainability and product proven results.

For more information about our products or auxiliary products for the electroplating industry, check our portfoli of products for surface treatment or contact with our specialized sales representative.